Hi David.
No. It is a tool developed on the basis of EGroupware, which is integrated as a module in EGroupware (also in the community version).
You simply install EGroupware and get smallPART directly with it.
You can use it within EGroupware or integrate it as a stand-alone application in learning platforms such as Moodle or OpenOLAT.
A Vserver or your own server would be ideal. For videos, of course, you need the corresponding hard disk space. 2GB RAM and 2 CPU are enough for now (for the whole groupware).
What would you have available (for testing)?
Can you install a Debian server and do you know how to include a repository/install a package?
Look for the two buttons:
Please note that the new features for questions and tests will only be available with the upcoming 21.1.
However, you can also install 21.1 as a pre-release.
We have set up a category in the forum for questions about smallPART: