Is it possible to enhance the addr_format_by_country for Canada?
Canadian postal codes (when properly entered) take 7 characters, the
field size on addressbook is 5 chars.
Is there a way to enforce good codes with a regex? I know we don’t
really want to start creating one etemplate row for every country, but
is there a nice way to do this by code?
Something like:
case ‘CA’:
$adr_region = array(
‘BC’ => ‘British Columbia’,
‘AB’ => ‘Alberta’,
‘SK’ => ‘Saskatchewan’,
// Or:
$adr_region_regex = ‘^BC|AB|SK|…$’;
$adr_postal_code_regex = ‘^[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXY][0-9][A-HJ-NP-Z] [0-9]
$adr_postal_code_size = 7;
// Fall through
Nathan Gray
nathan at goarctic dot com
Extra punctuation??? Ug!!!
Just say no! Punctuation marks do not gain significance if you
increase their number, they make you look silly. One is sufficient.
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