Hi to all of you, I’m a proud user of eGroupware, but also a programmer, and for my work, I need to know if there’s something I must know to create this, at least, simple action:
I wrote a PHP app linked with MSSQL, one of the module of that app, is a cusomer registration form, what I need is that when I insert a customer from my app, that customer is also inserted on the egroupware DB and viceversa.
My problems obviously are numerous, I need to know how works egroupware on its side with the adressbook, and where I can insert some function that links to the MSSQL DB and writes the customers filled from egroupware.
On the other side, I think that resolve the frist point is a must to accomplish the second point, wrote to egroupware db a customer when I insert it from my app.
Some ideas about it? I searched on the forum , but nothing found.
PS: I apologize for my english, if you think I need some lessons, let me know