It seems that apple releasing 10.7.3 has introduced a new bug.
In address book.app egroupware contacts are now in read only.
Googling about this bug it seems that also SoGo users had similar problems.
SoGo devolepers has fixed this problem with a new version.
here is a sogo forum link.
Hmm, problem does not exist with EGroupware EPL 11.1 or Trunk.
Unfortunately 1.8 is now so far away (eg. required columns in database
schema missing), that we can - since last summer - no longer merge fixes
from the current development
Plans are to have a new community release this summer.
Until that there’s not much I can do, unless someone figures out what
part of all the changes need to be merged into 1.8 to fix that issue.
(You are of cause welcome to become an EPL customer.)
Ralf Becker
Director Software Development
Stylite AG
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Email: rb@stylite.de
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