Hi everybody !
I am trying to update an existing EGW 1.6.003 to 1.8.001. Everything went fine except for the calendar module which refuses to upgrade (blank page).
Looking at Apache2 error log, the error reported is the following:
/usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/php5/extensions/pdo_sqlite.so: undefined symbol: sqlite3_open
I have checked which sqlite packages are installed on my system (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2):
rpm -qa | grep sqlite
And that sqlite module is loaded in PHP (5.3.2):
php5 -i
PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x => enabled
php5: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/php5/extensions/pdo_sqlite.so: undefined symbol: sqlite3_libversion
Again we have an error with pdo_sqlite.so…
So I searched the web and I found this:
It seems that there is a known bug with PHP 5.3.x and the sqlite3 module which is not resolved yet !
I have found other products than EGW which have the same problem but sqlite can be deactivated in this products:
I read on the EGW Wiki that sqlite is needed by the new timezone system used in the calendar module so I can’t deactivate it.
Therefore, EGW needs PHP > 5.2, downgrading PHP is not favourite option as it may cause other problems and not resolve the main problem.
Does someone get the same problem ? Is there a way to correct it ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks !