Its mostly done using etemplate and the use of the right classes. Have a look at the other apps.
Timesheet for example. Create a customfield there. see how it is displayed, see how it is
done in etemplates, transfer the learned stuff to your app.
Nathan already pointed you into the right direction.
Stylite AG
[ open style of IT ]
Morschheimer Strasse 15
67292 Kirchheimbolanden
fon 06352 . 70629-0
fax 06352 . 70629-30 |
Managing Directors: Andre Keller | Ralf Becker | Gudrun Mueller
Chairman of the supervisory board: Prof. Dr. Birger Leon Kropshofer
Commerzbank BLZ 55040022 | Account 218111300
IBAN DE33 5504 0022 0218 1113 00 | BIC COBADEFFXXX
VAT DE214280951 | Registered HRB 31158 Kaiserslautern Germany