Hello Nathan,
I hope I am not bugging you with my questions. I need some help regarding how the keyword ‘DISTINCT’ could be used in an etemplate application. I have rows containing repetitive data and would only have to print the distinct data. If I were using SQL then my query would look like ‘select distinct(col_name) from table;’ .
Any help regarding this would be great.
Could someone throw some light on how to generate hyperlinks, I have worked
with Label, Submit and Text widgets. I tried to use HTML, but could not make
any progress.
I have something similar. I have a reference number, and an ID for each row.
Use a Label, with something similar for the Name:
This will be the text of the link.
Use something like this in the Options:
Note the comma at the front.
The label will be turned into a link, the resulting HTML will look like this:
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