Hi Frederic,
frederic.pege@steria.com schrieb:
I’m developping my own egw app.
I’ve been able to successfully hook it with the preferences, admin,
But the search_link still does not work proprely.
This is the registration :
$setup_info[‘stats’][‘hooks’][‘search_link’] = ‘stats.statshooks.all_hooks’;
The function all_hooks is used for all hooks.
The ‘search_link’ part is :
if ($location == ‘search_link’) {
$bo =& new statsbo();
return $bo->search_link($location);
The search_link function is :
function search_link($location)
return array(
‘query’ => ‘stats.statsbo.link_query’,
‘title’ => ‘stats.statsbo.link_title’,
‘view’ => array(‘menuaction’ =>
‘view_id’ => ‘id’,
‘add’ => array(‘menuaction’ =>
Very complicated, but it should work.
Best in Trunk is to have a class called stats_hooks, which can be
autoloaded, for all static hooks:
class stats_hooks
static function search_link($data)
return array(
‘query’ => ‘stats.statsbo.link_query’,
‘title’ => ‘stats.statsbo.link_title’,
‘view’ => array(‘menuaction’ =>
‘view_id’ => ‘id’,
‘add’ => array(‘menuaction’ =>
Then you can use in stats/setup/setup.inc.php:
$setup_info[‘stats’][‘hooks’][‘search_link’] = ‘stats_hooks::search_link’;
link_query and link_title have the same output type has there infolog
I can only guess, somethings wrong with them, as they are used for the
not working functinality, you describe …
The ‘add’ part works. My app appears in the ‘add’ section on the
right-top of the web page.
The link functionnality does work. My app appears in the list in the
links tab but the search button does nothing. No erros, no datas.
Also nothing in the error_log?
Put some error_log() messages in statsbo::link_query() to see it get’s
The documentation on this part is enough for me to understand what i did
Can you help me, plz ?
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