this is a macro. Not wiki Language as such, but Macros defined for that one.
I think there are such makros for each dialect.
Here are some more:
There are some predefined Makros in WikkiTikkiTaviEGW?
[[! *]] - shows list of last changes in wiki
[[! ~]] - deleted pages
[[! ?]] - new pages
[[! *]] - all pages
and the named ones:
‘Anchor’ => ‘view_macro_anchor’,
‘Transclude’ => ‘view_macro_transclude’,
‘PageSize’ => ‘view_macro_pagesize’,
‘LinkTable’ => ‘view_macro_linktab’,
‘OrphanedPages’ => ‘view_macro_orphans’,
‘WantedPages’ => ‘view_macro_wanted’,
‘PageLinks’ => ‘view_macro_outlinks’,
‘PageRefs’ => ‘view_macro_refs’,
‘PageNames’ => ‘view_macro_names’,
‘PageTitle’ => ‘view_macro_title’,
[[PageNames NAMENPATTERN]] - shows list of Pages that match the Searchpattern with their Pagename, Wildcards as % are allowed
[[PageTitle NAMEPATTERN]] - shows list of Pages that match the Searchpattern with their Pagetitle, Wildcards as % are allowed
but broken because of patch
Revision 33572
Modified Fri Jan 7 21:26:32 2011 UTC (2 weeks, 3 days ago) by nathangray
File length: 30894 byte(s)
Diff to previous 33341
Use so_sql’s search builder for AND / OR functionality