Klaus Leithoff wrote:
So what do you see in that line 620.
Seems to me, a typo, that is for the message you get.
If this fails, it may be a problem with a mail within your mailbox.
Try to reduce the number of mails displayed in the list to a small number to
be able to identify the mail in question, and delete or process it with
another client.
The error was with the code: How in the heck did this end up in my code:
/srv/www/htdocs/egroupware/felamimail/inc/class.bofelamimail.inc.php at
about line 613-625:
//print "TEMPID: $tempID<br>";
if($structure->subParts[$tempID]->type == ‘MESSAGE’ && $structure->subP
arts[$tempID]->subType == ‘RFC822’ &&
count($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts) == 1 &&
$structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->type == ‘MULTIPART
’ &&
<<<<<<< .mine
($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == ‘MIXED
’ || $structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType ==
‘REPORT’)) {
($structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == ‘MIXED
’ ||
$structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == ‘ALTER
$structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == ‘RELAT
ED’ ||
$structure->subParts[$tempID]->subParts[$tempID]->subType == ‘REPORT’)) {
$structure =
} else {
$structure =
if($structure->partID != $_partID) {
error_log(“bofelamimail::_getSubStructure(”. LINE .") partID’s don’t
return false;
return $structure;
Look at the crazy <<<<<<<< and ======== and >>>>>>>> that are stuck in
there. It shure cratered felamimail. Will the guilty please “bark up”
David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339
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