hello all,
today i spent quite some time with the project manager, put together a
test project with a few subprojects and todos.
first, i had a hard time integrating jpgraph 2.xx (into a debian lenny
distro), and the bundled 1.xx version whined always for missing dates.
egroupware couldn’t find it when it was in /usr/share, had to put it
into /usr/share/php5 and change the code a bit. before that i fiddled
with the php include search path, too, but no success.
the strange things that emerged playing with pm:
some todos are missing from the gantt charts completely, but they are
present in the project/elements list. checked them several times, but i
have no clue why, they are todos like the rest. the missing todos are
considered in the computations of percentages, however.
some project percentages change depending on what i view: the whole
project or just the subproject in question. when i view the whole, it
shows say 90%, when just the subproject, it shows say 7%. this was my
bad: accidentally set a percentage explicitly on the subproject. it
turned out that a subproject can have 3 progress percentages: 1) the
percentage from its todos/subprojects. 2) the previous can be
overwritten by the status setting in the project 3) which can be
overwritten by the status in the project elements. although i think i
understand the technical reasons for this, i find this quite confusing
as a beginner user, but probably i haven’t yet wrapped my mind around pm
enough. it would be helpful if overwritten percentages were
distinguished somehow when displaying.
the scheduler does not take into account to which resource the given
todos are assigned. if i have subproject ‘sp’ with todos ‘td1’ and
’td2’, and the todos are assigned to the same person
(delegation/responsible) then in the gantt chart the todos will begin at
the same time, and will overlap. this will result in a schedule that
will slip, obviously, since the same person is supposed to do the work
items at the same time with 100% commitment for each. these todos should
come in sequence, without overlapping, as if they were
dependent/constrained, but without a particular order (or, in the order
of creation). this implicit dependency must be considered for all the
subprojects/todos, not just for the ones under the same parent.
if i change the ‘completed’ percentage of the todo, then the 'status’
field will change, too: not started / ongoing / done. if i set it to
100%, then the ‘date completed’ field will be set to the current date.
however, if i change it back later to say 90%, then the status will
change back to ongoing, but the ‘date completed’ field remains filled. i
think it should be set to null in this case.
is it possible to view all the subprojects and their
subprojects/todos/… in a single hierarchic list? ‘[details of]
subelements’ is close, but i’d like to see the subprojects, too, not
just the todos. like:
yes, there is the tree view on the left, but 1) the titles are not
there, just the ids 2) todos are not shown, just (sub)projects.
my config:
debian lenny i386
egroupware 1.4.002
php 5.2.5
mysql 5.0.51
please let me know what you think. if needed, i can provide screenshots
or a db dump.
cc me, i’m not on the list.
regards, peter
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