Hallo Ihr Lieben,
Leider habe ich auch ein Problem mit Rocketchat. Wenn ich versuche Rocketchat zwecks Konfiguration zu öffnen, erhalte ich entweder Fehler 502 oder “Verbindung fehlgeschlagen” - je nach URL:
EGW: EGroupware 20.1.20201217 gemeinsam mit Egroupware-Rocketchat installiert
Admin > Anwendungen > RocketChat > Konfiguration der Anwendung
https://www.MEINEDOMAIN.local/rocketchat/ erhält den Fehler 502
https://www.MEINEDOMAIN.local:3000/rocketchat/ erhält “Verbindung fehlgeschlagen”
Authentifizierung: Benutzername/Passwort aus der Sitzung
Merkwürdig auch: Meine Eingaben dort werden, obwohl ich auf “Speichern” clicke, irgendwie nicht gespeichert. Wenn ich den Reiter schließe und wieder aufmache stehen da wieder die Default Werte wie URL =
Auf diesem lokalen Testserver verwende ich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat, die Firewall ist aktiv - die entsprechenden Ports 8090, 3000 sowie 27017 sind jedoch offen. Ich habe die FW jedocha uch schon testweise deaktiviert, was auch nichts brachte…
Hier noch ein paar Auszüge aus den docker-compose.override.ymls - Änderungen meinerseits in Fettdruck
Für egroupware-rocketchat:
. #image: rocketchat/rocket.chat:latest
. #command: bash -c ‘for i in seq 1 30
; do node main.js && s=$$? && break || > s=$$?; echo “Tried $$i times. Waiting 5 secs…”; sleep 5; done; (exit $$s)’
. #restart: unless-stopped
. #- /var/lib/egroupware/default/rocketchat/uploads:/app/uploads
. # if EGroupware uses a certificate from a private CA, OAuth authentication will fail, > you need to:
. # - have the CA certificate stored at /etc/egroupware-docker/private-ca.crt
. # - uncomment the next 2 lines about the private CA:
- "/var/www/clients/client2/web2/ssl/’*.MEINEDOMAIN.local.crt’:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/private-ca.crt:ro"
. # - NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/private-ca.crt
. # IMPORTANT: change ROOT_URL to your actual url eg. https://example.org/rocketchat
- ROOT_URL=https://www.MEINEDOMAIN.local/rocketchat
, #- HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com
. #- HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy.domain.com
. #-
. # set the ip-address of your docker host AND your official DNS name so Rocket.Chat
. # can access EGroupware without the need to go over your firewall
. #image: mongo:4.0
. #restart: unless-stopped
. #volumes:
. #- /var/lib/egroupware/default/rocketchat/dump:/dump
Für egroupware-docker
version: ‘3’
.# fix volume directory eg. for Ubuntu 18.04
type: none
o: bind
device: /var/lib/docker/volumes/egroupwaredocker_sources/_data/swoolepush
.# EGroupware data stored in /var/lib/egroupware on the host
.# driver_opts:
.# type: none
.# o: bind
.# device: /var/lib/egroupware
.# egroupware images to use:
.# - egroupware/egroupware: is the community edition of egroupware
.# - download.egroupware.org/egroupware/epl: is the EPL / subscription version of EGroupware GmbH
.# egroupware tags to use:
.# - latest: recommended is to use tag latest for automatic updates incl. new stable major releases
.# - 20.1: use a branch to keep on latest maintenance release for that branch, but not update automatic to next release
.# - 20.1.20200613: use a maintenance release, to disable automatic updates via watchtower and run them manually
image: egroupware/egroupware:20.1
- /var/www/clients/client2/web2/private/egwfiles:/webqatest
.# if you want to use the host database:
.# 1. follow instructions below to disable db service
.# 2. set EGW_DB_HOST=localhost AND
.# 3. uncomment the next line and modify the host path, it depends on your distro:
.# - RHEL/CentOS /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
.# - openSUSE/SLE /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
- /var/run/mysqld:/var/run/mysqld
.#- /var/run/mysqld:/var/run/mysqld
.# private CA so egroupware can validate your certificate to talk to Collabora or Rocket.Chat
.# multiple certificates (eg. a chain) have to be single files in a directory, with one named private-ca.crt!
.# setting a default language for a new installation
- LANG=de
.# MariaDB/MySQL host to use: for host database (socket bind-mounted into container) use “localhost”
- EGW_DB_HOST=localhost
.# for internal db service you should to specify a root password here AND in db service
.# a database “egroupware” with a random password is created for you on installation (password is stored in header.inc.php in data directory)
.#- EGW_DB_ROOT=root
.#- EGW_DB_ROOT_PW=secret
.# alternativly you can specify an already existing database with full right by the given user!
.#- EGW_DB_NAME=egroupware
.#- EGW_DB_USER=egroupware
.# other php.ini values to set in the container and their current defaults
.# set the ip-address of your docker host AND your official DNS name so EGroupware
.# can access Rocket.Chat or Collabora without the need to go over your firewall
.# to use the database on the host, uncomment all the following settings to disable the internal db service
image: busybox
entrypoint: /bin/true
restart: “no”
.# push server using phpswoole
.# nginx server of egroupware using /etc/egroupware-docker/egroupware-nginx.conf
.# You want to install your certificate on the webserver/Nginx running on the host proxying to this one
- “”
.# automatic updates of all containers daily at 4am
.# see https://containrrr.github.io/watchtower for more information
.#- WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP=true .# delete old image after update to not fill up the disk
.# for email notifications add your email and mail-server here
.#- WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_LEVEL=info .# possible values: panic, fatal, error, warn, info or debug
.#- WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM=watchtower@my-domain.com
.#- WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SERVER=mail.my-domain.com .# if you give your MX here, you need no user/password
.#command: --schedule “0 0 4 * * *”
Es wäre ein Träumchen wenn das i-wann mal funktionieren könnte … Lieben Dank vorab für jeden Ratschlag dazu