If this is the same problem you wrote about on the user list: POP before
SMTP, the answer is still the same
I understand the time issue, I’ve spent 4 days + trying to figure it out it’s
too good of program to abandon. I’ve installed pretty much all the open
source groupware programs out there and this one is by FAR the best.
Egoupware has made it this far and really just a small issue if just the
SMTP would be easier like other programs. What would it take to fix it for
the open source version? I’d be willing to pitch in.
Ralf Becker
Director Software Development
Stylite GmbH
[open style of IT]
Morschheimer Strasse 15
67292 Kirchheimbolanden
fon +49 (0) 6352 70629-0
fax +49 (0) 6352 70629-30
mailto: rb@stylite.de
Geschäftsführer Andre Keller,
Gudrun Müller, Ralf Becker
Registergericht Kaiserslautern HRB 30575
Umsatzsteuer-Id / VAT-Id: DE214280951