Einen Patch aus GitHub installieren
As a rule, new installation/update packages or an EGroupware docker container are “built” approximately every 4 weeks. If this is too long or if you want to test it in advance, fixed files are available for download in GitHub.
Please note:
- single commits can build on each other, i.e. you can usually only install one commit as a patch that only modifies files that have not been changed since the maintenance release.
- Changes to JavaScript or CSS files only work if Minifying is switched off under Admin >> Admin >> Configuration of the application.
You need the URL of the commit (preferred from the 19.1 branch). E.G.
To this URL you have to append .patch and execute the following commands:
export patch=https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/commit/601cf51b7febdf97d2bb0460dd47eeba12449920.patch
cd /etc/egroupware-docker
curl $patch | docker exec -i egroupware patch -p1 -d /usr/share/egroupware-sources
# you might have to rebuild JavaScript, if the patch changes .ts or .js files:
docker exec egroupware bash -c "cd /usr/share/egroupware-sources; npm run build"
docker-compose restart egroupware
If something in the container breaks down (e.g. conflict when installing the patch) you can simply restore the original state of the container with the following commands:
cd /etc/egroupware-docker
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose up -d
For EGroupware <19.1 and installations without Docker download the fixed file and replace the file in the EGroupware installation accordingly. After that a restart of the web server and a deletion of the web browser cache is useful/necessary.
The files to be exchanged should be saved or renamed. This makes it easy to undo the changes.