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Artikel zu Groupware-Lösungen im Linux Magazin 09/2020
The Admin Magazine published a quite extensive article about groupware solutions. EGroupware is compared there with two other solutions:
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To the well written article by Erik Baerwald (Thanks!) here are some comments/corrections to the article:
Page 43: “…has been around for more than 15 years.”
Even longer. EGroupware was created as a fork from phpGroupWare and dates its first EGroupware commit on August 1st 2000: Initial revision
If you like, EGroupware has just turned 20 years old
Since then, a lot has happened and EGroupware has changed/improved a lot in terms of technology and content.
Page 44: "Guacamole establishes the connection over Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or virtual network computing (VNC)"
And via SSH! This enables remote maintenance of server systems (even Windows is now capable
Page 44: “…the participants and instructors can take part in the course in real time.”
The use of smallPART runs asynchronously and not in real time. Thanks to the comment function and marking functions, participants do not have to forego many of the advantages of real-time communication despite time-delayed processing, such as (time-)punctual questions and direct addressing and answering.
More information about smallPART:
Table on page 48

Indeed, EGroupware does not bring its own forum software. However, developing your own forum software is also out of the question. It is an own topic and there are countless forum software on the market.
Due to the integration possibilities of EGroupware, some products can be integrated more or less deeply. Starting with the integration as app/displayed within EGroupware, if necessary with authentication against EGroupware up to deep integration with groups (rights), notifications, links(…).
One consideration is currently to integrate Discourse (we use it for this forum).
Integration Discourse (German, sorry)
Discourse is also suitable as a Wiki substitute/knowledge management in general in addition to the forum function.
If there is a need for this, funds are still needed to realise development/integration. If interested: E-mail to
CRM system
There is no module “CRM”, but:
CRM functionalities are integrated in various places and it is possible to map CRM processes. EGroupware is not a CRM specialist, but certainly covers a wide range of requirements.
The description is a bit short. One should always sound out the possibilities in EGroupware, also coming from the required processes.
The EPL version offers additional functionalities that support CRM. Especially the GDPDO-compliant handling of personal data.
We are currently working on improvements for the CRM functions. See also our newsletter:
CRM is definitely a topic where it is better to use consulting services. Otherwise it will be difficult to exhaust the possibilities or even reach the goal.
With interest: e-mail to
Helpdesk module
EGroupware provides a tracker/tracking system/ticket system module:
Here too: EGroupware is not a helpdesk specialist, but certainly covers the majority of requirements. Therefore, for most EGroupware should be “sufficient” as a helpdesk. The integration into the collaboration environment is thus already done and brings added value.
Helpdesk is definitely a topic for which it is better to use consulting services. Otherwise it will be difficult to exhaust the possibilities or even reach the goal.
With interest: E-Mail to
Native clients
In fact EGroupware does not provide a (cross-platform) native desktop client.
Due to the synchronization possibilities via *DAV and ActiveSync
and access to the file manager via WebDAV, many desktop clients can be connected.
So for example also Outlook:
Page 48: Conclusion

To say it for EGroupware: Under optimal conditions EGroupware is quickly/ easily installed and put into operation. But when do you have optimal conditions?.. There are various installation and integration possibilities, so that EGroupware can be installed and put into operation in any environment. I have described an optimal (easy) installation here (still 19.1):
The application itself surely requires a quite extensive training by its extent and the configuration possibilities. Especially for the admin. EGroupware has been developed for 20 years according to the needs of the users (and customers). There some at functions and configuration possibilities comes together. It is also the task of the admin to configure as much as possible for the users or to assign useful settings to them. Then it also remains manageable for the end user. For this the admin must know EGroupware well!
In this respect I absolutely agree with the author: The installation and operation requires effort. This always applies to such solutions.
For questions, suggestions etc. please create a topic in the forum as usual.
Best regards
Your EGroupware Team