Dear EGroupware users,
the next Corona-related lock-down is unfortunately imminent. Therefore we would like to point out once again the possibilities EGroupware offers to make the home office area efficient and offer our support in the implementation.
Home Office Ready funtionalities
Guacamole for safe use of the office workstation also from the home computer.
All applications of the office workstation can be used with very good performance, of course. All data remains on the office workstation (important for GDPR conformity) and no additional programs or connections need to be installed on the home computer. You can find more information on our Guacamole website and in the flyer provided.
Feel free to contact us, no matter if you use EGroupware in the cloud or in your own data center.
Status application, chats & video conferencing - simply start a video call from the EGroupware via Jitsi, share the screen or hold a meeting online. At the same time you can also use the Collabora Online Office to keep the minutes of the meeting visible for everyone.
New and soon available BigBlueButton (BBB) integration for video conferencing:
We have decided not to build our own BBB infrastructure, because there are some German specialists in this area.
The integration into EGroupware is done by configuring “your” BBB server in the status application with the number of simultaneous connections or conference rooms at your BBB hoster. EGroupware then checks the availability for planned appointments and adhoc meetings according to these specifications and reports conflicts if there is not enough capacity available. EGroupware is registered as a reseller with the German provider So if you still need a video conferencing solution, we recommend to sign a contract with One request on our own behalf, just send us your partner ID from via email and we will be registered there as your reseller. For you as a customer, there are no additional costs and we can refinance the development costs for the integration.
File Manager, Sharing and Collabora Online Office - in addition to the already existing sharing options, there is the possibility of “hidden uploading”. This allows outsiders to see the tasks or files in the root directory, but the uploading of documents is done in a hidden folder. This way, for example, the teacher can see all the students’ homework, but the students only see the task itself.
With Collabora Online Office you can directly insert all contents of the EGroupware applications into documents using placeholders. No double entries or copy & paste are necessary. For example, you have regular requests that you want to answer in a standardized way - simply create a template, e.g. by e-mail with attachments, and send it to any contact.
New and available soon - simply mount shared folders permanently in your own home directory:
This gives you a simple overview of all directories or files shared with you. Additional sharing options, for example without the possibility to download, are planned until the end of the year.
smallPART - Video-supported learning and teaching, very useful especially in times of corona.
New: Simply place HTML texts or images over an existing video. You control when and how long the information is displayed. So you don’t have to edit the video anymore, but can simply play information additionally with the video. In planning as an additional option to record an audio track and play it back parallel to the video. Very interesting e.g. if a video is only available in another language or if the task is aimed at primary school children.
You can find further information on our smallpart website.
In addition, we are currently working on the following topics, which we will release in EGroupware 20.1 in the course of the next weeks, depending on their completion, or possibly as EGroupware 20.2 at the end of the year:
Address Book Sharing - Share contacts easily read or write to another EGroupware address book Advantage: the contacts are only available once, so they do not have to be kept up-to-date several times

Administratively you can define who can share contacts in an address book and what information is necessary to share. Similarly, you can specify that private information is not shared. This information will be suppressed in the shared address book for privacy reasons. The new functionality can also be used for contact synchronization by simply sharing “necessary” contacts from the customer or supplier address book into the personal address book and synchronizing only this.
CRM View - You can easily open as many CRM views as you like in separate EGroupware CRM tabs

In planning is the integration of telephone systems (e.g. Placetel), which opens the CRM view for incoming calls and additionally displays business functions of the telephone system.
New Kanban application for more flexible project work, sales tunnels or CRM views
We are happy to answer your questions and suggestions.
Stay healthy!
Your EGroupware Team
EGroupware GmbH
LeibnizstraĂźe 17
67663 Kaiserslautern
Deutschland | |
Directors: Birgit Becker and Ralf Becker
Registered Jurisdiction: Kaiserslautern
Trade Register Number: HRB Kaiserslautern 3587
VAT-ID: DE 209 675 515
If you´re interested in EGroupware or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at