Dear Developers,
I would like to access the etemplate objects of the opened Framework (edit) tabs of my application, like I can do with the popups_get function for the popups:
* Call apply filters in nextmatch widgets of all opened popups.
* @param app_name
* @param regex_string
* @param nm_name
* @constructor
UpdateNMinpopups(app_name, regex_string, nm_name){
var that = window;
var popups = that.framework.popups_get(app_name, regex_string);
//console.log( popups.length);
for (var i = 0, n = popups.length; i < n; ++i) {
if ( typeof popups[i] !== 'undefined' ) {
let et2 = popups[i].etemplate2.getByApplication(app_name);
let nm = et2[0]?.widgetContainer.getDOMWidgetById( nm_name );
console.log(typeof nm)
//console.log('no nextmatch found...');
//nm.refresh(, pushData.type);
I read here
that I can set an local reference in et2_ready(), but when I try to access it in my app.ts push function it is undefined…
I tried also to call get the object via
but I get no widgetcontainer in the result…
I also tried accessing the tabs via the Ids. But because the ids are in the form acactivity2-MQii-egw_fw_ui_tab_header and I dont know how the -MQii- part is build I had also no success.
I pretty sure I am missing something essential here and I would appreciate your support!
Thank you and best regards,