Hi all,
I have installed the last egroupware (17.1.003) on debian 9.4. All seems to work fine, but the addressbook does not work inside the web interface. If I try to use it, an ajax reponds with Code 500, internal server error on loading https://mydomain…/egroupware/json.php?menuaction=addressbook.jdots_framework.ajax_exec.template
I can call this file manually, then I get the following output:
{"response":[{"type":"alert","data":{"message":"An error happened\n\nCreateObject(jdots_framework) file \/usr\/share\/egroupware\/addressbook\/inc\/class.jdots_framework.inc.php not found!","details":""}}],"page_generation_time":"0.01","session_restore_time":"0.00"}
A quick look into the directory /usr/share/egroupware/addressbook/inc/ show that there is no file called class.jdots_framework.inc.php.
Is there any idea why this happens? Thanks a lot!