Is this file included when I do a fresh install using “git”?
If yes, then there is still at least an issue when creating a new todo-item:
Database error
Invalid SQL: SELECT *,ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(account_id), ‘,’) AS info_responsible,ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(info_res_attendee), ‘,’) AS info_cc,egw_infolog.info_id AS info_id FROM egw_infolog LEFT JOIN egw_infolog_users ON egw_infolog.info_id=egw_infolog_users.info_id AND egw_infolog_users.info_res_deleted IS NULL WHERE egw_infolog.info_id=1 GROUP BY egw_infolog.info_id
ERROR: column “egw_infolog_users.info_res_id” must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT *,ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(account_id), ‘,’) AS info…