The eTemplate files are now in the filesystem under $app/templates/default
, like when you exported them in 1.8. If you have not exported the templates of your app, you need to do so BEFORE migrating.
The template will be in the old, pre-web-component format, which get transformed on the fly by api/etemplate.php, which you can (and should!) also use as cli-program to transform your eTemplates to the new syntaxt (et2-prefix and different attribute names).
As an editor you can use every XML editor and use our DTD to get them syntax checked and a help on possible attribute-names.
There is also a website describing the new widgets and their attributes, plus links to other resources:
The where are the templates I already answered.
Remaining question is: how to customize EGroupware’s stock applications like e.g. InfoLog?
There are two ways:
the most easy is with our EPL version, there you can mount a virtual layer over the eTemplate in the container and use EGroupware’s filemanager to update them.
the hard(er) way is to update them in the container by e.g. mounting the changed template over the ones delivered with the container (just placing them in /usr/share/egroupware/$app/templates/default will NOT work!):
Merge e.g. the following into your /etc/egroupware-docker/docker-compose.override.yml
- /usr/share/egroupware/infolog/templates/default/edit.xet:/usr/share/egroupware-sources/infolog/templates/default/edit.xet:ro
Both described ways survive regular EGroupware updates.