- //As we can not calculate the delta value, add 30 px as delta
- this.$iFrame.css({width:_width+30, height:_height+30});
- }
- });
- /**
- * mobile framework object defenition
- * here we can add framework methods and also override fw_base methods if it is neccessary
- * @type @exp;fw_base@call;extend
- */
- var fw_mobile = fw_base.extend({
- // List of applications available on mobile devices
- DEFAULT_MOBILE_APP : ['calendar','infolog','timesheet','resources','addressbook','projectmanager','tracker','mail','filemanager'],
- /**
- * Mobile framework constructor
- *
- * @param {string} _sidemenuId sidebar menu div id
- * @param {string} _tabsId tab area div id
- * @param {string} _webserverUrl specifies the egroupware root url