Hello everybody,
we have released a new maintenance release:
Changelog 21.1.20211130
- PHP 8.0: tons of fixes to support 8.0, this is probably the last container using PHP 7.4 by default
- Addressbook: new REST API for contacts
- LDAP/Addressbook: fix region contains for given country invalid value gives an LDAP error on update
- Admin/Filemanager: correctly encode user “WORKGROUP$user” for SMB mounts and do NOT require mountpoints to exist
- Filemanager: fix not working variables eg. $user in GUI mount (Admin > Filemanager)
- Filemanager: fix video controller not working in filemanager gallery
- Filemanager: add action to unlock files
- Filemanager: fix super user could not remove other users’ subscriptions
- Filemanager: add actions to convert editable files to PDF or PNG and a checkbox to merge file as PDF
- Collabora: merge placeholder dialogs
- All apps: add preference to set directory and filename of merged documents using placeholders
- Calendar: fix changing the recurrence end date did not add/remove the events in the UI
- InfoLog: fix not working overwrite check (optimistic locking) plus incrementing etag
- Mail: make sure pressing [del] key twice in a row does not delete the first row on the second press
- Mail: add set flags action into mail filters
- Mail: implements date extension for vacation rule. None imap admin user can also set vacation rule by date.
- Kanban: fix deleting card did not delete link to the board (includes a DB update to remove orphans from links)
- Resources: add inventory number to resource list columns
- smallPART/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error when opening a course
- smallPART/PostgreSQL: fix SQL error during update (you need to restore egw_smallpart* tables AND set egw_applications.app_version=‘21.1’)
- API: update jQuery-ui to 1.13.0 and TinyMCE to 5.10.1
This Maintanace update is provided via Docker container.
New functions / preferences or other important things:
- Addressbook: new REST API for contacts
We have started to develop REST APIs. The first one is the interface to the address book. This is documented in the GitHub wiki:
With this interface it is for example possible (via a suitable plugin) to write from a contact form on a website directly into the contact database of EGroupware. We also use this on our Word Press website:
Thus, for example, the consent for data processing is also stored directly.
Further interfaces for InfoLog and calendar are to follow (at times).
- Filemanager: add action to unlock files
In conjunction with Collabora Online, it can happen that a file is locked and can no longer be opened. This lock expires after some time.
It is now possible to remove this lock immediately in the file manager:
An additional column for “Locked” can be displayed:
If a file is locked

it can be unlocked via the context menu:
- Filemanager: add actions to convert editable files to PDF or PNG and a checkbox to merge file as PDF
It is now possible to convert Office documents directly into PDF or PNG. All document types that Collabora Online (LibreOffice) can open are supported.
This function uses a different data access than usual when opening and saving documents. Therefore, further configuration settings are usually necessary.
However, it always depends on the environment and can be different.
Find out the EGroupware Docker Network:
docker network inspect egroupware-docker_default | grep Subnet
“Subnet”: “”,
add under
<net desc="Network settings">
two lines:
<host desc="The IPv6 loopback (localhost) address.">172\.19\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
<host desc="The IPv6 loopback (localhost) address.">::ffff:172\.19\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
Add in
- "sub.domain.tld:"
Detailed documentation will follow later on the GitHub wiki.
See also:
Update Install package Collabora Online 6.4.20211207
Such configurations never without backup(strategy)!
- Collabora: merge placeholder dialogs
It is now possible to insert placeholders directly in Collabora Online:
No more copy and paste…
It is also now possible to insert complete addresses directly in your document:
See also:
COLDays 2021 - EGroupware integration update
- All apps: add preference to set directory and filename of merged documents using placeholders
New preferences in all apps allow setting directory and document name for generated documents:
- Mail: add set flags action into mail filters
It is now possible to set flags as filter action:
- Mail: implements date extension for vacation rule. None imap admin user can also set vacation rule by date.
It is possible to set the validity time of an vacation rule:

And use the dates via placeholders in the vacation text:

Now a mail server admin no longer needs to be entered for this! The credentials of the user are now used.
Several conditions must be fulfilled:
- The mail server used must support Sieve and access must be possible
- The mail server used must support the Sieve Extension Date (Sieve Email Filtering: Date and Index Extensions)
- In EGroupware, this is possible for group accounts (e-mail accounts that are assigned to a group of users)
- Valid for a Group
- No Username/Password
- No IMAP admin any more!
The EGroupware mail server supports this function of course 
- Resources: add inventory number to resource list columns
We have now added the Inventory number
field to the table:
The commits in detail on GitHub:
The update information is collected in the following topic
in chronological order.
Many greetings
Your EGroupware team